Saturday, August 16, 2008

Black Indians (PBS special)

Daniel Blake Smith wrote it.
Crispus Attucks was a black Indian, as was Frederick Douglass, Tina Turner and Jesse Jackson.

Charles Crosley: "People see them in the movies and think if you don't look like that and act like that, they don't think you are an Indian."

Wilcoss "I was Naragansett when to be an Indian was unheard of."

Common Experience
Whites discriminate because they are black and blacks discriminate because they aren't black.
"for their safety's sake you would put them down (on the birth certificate) as black or white (instead of Indian.)

"It boils down to the color of your skin."
"...still not good to be a person of try to hide it."

"Pencil genocide" or "erasing the ancestor"

Black-Indians would be marked as white to avoid the stigma of being black

"Right now it is very vogue to be an Indian."

"Indian is a cultural question."

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